Where to program your news, weather & traffic, as well as music & content teases and promo & commercial breaks — and in which order?

Your positive feedback on music format articles like this one made me think you might like to create a great flow for program content outside your music sweeps as well. When your station has a Full Service AC (or a similar) format, you can program these bulletins at easy-to-remember listening appointments, such as the top (and bottom) of the hour. Here are ideas to optimise these potential tune-in moments, which may help you lift your station to the top of the ratings!



This article will give you ideas & insights on:

  • how to tease your content and presell your music
  • how to push your current major sales promotion
  • how to make your audience endure long breaks
  • how to integrate your newscast in your output
  • how to give your newscast much more flow
  • how to make your listeners get your news
  • and much more (around 1.300 words)




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