Wanna’ revamp your Top 40 radio format music-wise? These 12 Contemporary Hit Radio music scheduling format clocks may help you get going.
As a music director, you’re busy dealing with programming & music meetings, record labels, station events, and — last, but not least — your daily music scheduling duties, including at least an hour of manually tweaking a prescheduled log. You might be doing that for several stations in your cluster. One of your long-term goals may be to revisit your format clocks to optimise your music flow, but what if you can’t find the time? Use us as a resource! Below you’ll find 12 CHR music format clocks that you can download for free.
‘Have a recognisable rhythm & flow’

This CHR format is focused on newer hit songs of less than 1 year of age in a 2:1 ratio compared to older hit songs of between 1 and 3 years of age (format & image: Thomas Giger)
Distinguish your music categories
In case you do have a few minutes :-), I’m happy to share which thoughts have led to these Top 40 radio format clocks for CHR music scheduling. First of all, you’d want to clearly define your song categories. I always stick to the essential ones, and make sure that every single category has one theme only. Our music format clock for Contemporary Hit Radio therefore includes the following music categories based on the typical hit song life cycle:
Categories for newer hit songs:
- Current New: a new release with potential to become more familiar & popular
- Current Secondary Up: a current hit that is becoming more familiar & popular
- Current Power: a current hit that is very familiar & popular (and now at its peak)
- Current Secondary Down: a current hit that is familiar, but becoming less popular
Categories for older hit songs:
- Current Stay: a current hit that is very familiar & popular, but a bit older (up to 12 months)
- Recurrent Power: a recent hit that is very familiar & popular, but a bit older (12-36 months)
- Recurrent Secondary: a recent hit that is pretty familiar & popular, but a bit older (12-36 months)
Choose your format boundaries
You’ll notice there are no Golds, as I believe that a pure CHR station (for which I designed this format) should be playing 100% currents. I know, there are several Top 40 stations playing some classics, including very successful ones. I’ve been to LA last April, and heard Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie (2006) and Justin Timberlake’s Rock Your Body (2003) on 102.7 KIIS FM with just a 33-minute separation. There’s basically nothing against adding spice, and throwback songs are one way of achieving it. But from a brand image point of view, I wonder whether a real CHR should play tracks that are 11 and 14 years old — even when they test well for the higher end of its (typically 18-34 year-old) target demographic.
Yes, a 34-year-old was 23 when Shakira topped the charts, and might have discovered that song while listening to KIIS back then (still being loyal to the station now). But someone who is 23 now might perceive it as an older song. Sure, it makes sense to reward the older end (with the greatest spending power) of your 18-34 demo. But on the other hand, also (Hot) ACs are playing Hips Don’t Lie. Shouldn’t a Top 40 play what listener expect — Top 40 — and nothing else? (Exceptions: tomorrow’s hits, and recurrents that sound & feel current. New songs add freshness; recurrents add (familiarity and) balance. When Dance and R&B dominate the charts, Pop and Rock recurrents make the variety.)
Deliver your format promise
A good music clock should have a recognisable rhythm & flow, representing your format proposition in a very short amount of time. Therefore, this format clock is based on 2 contemporary songs versus 1 older song, in a steady rhythm of ‘now, now, then; now, now, then’. The station’s music core consists of power & secondary currents, which are always tied together to support the station image for hit music. Because there is just 1 older song in between them, the station sounds very much like ‘now’. When tuning in during a music sweep, the listener will usually hear one of today’s hottest tracks within 10 minutes. Once an hour, a new song is featured on the position where normally a secondary current is being played. (Both are relatively new songs, and both are not at their popularity peak.)
To maintain your current hit image, reviewing all categories on a weekly basis (and cleaning them up on a monthly basis) is mandatory. When you do music research where you not only test power & secondary currents through weekly callouts or online panels, but also (a part of) your Stay Current and Recurrent library, then you’ll be able to do this well. It allows you to only keep songs in rotation that listeners really want to hear. When you want a strong image for current music; really want to be the (#1) Hit Music Station in the market, set an age limit for music you play (such as 3 years). Anything older would really have to test ‘through the roof’ for you to keep on spinning it. Below is a representation of Clock A:
‘Create an uneven rotation pattern’

A power current category of 7 songs in combination with this clock creates a song rotation pattern across multiple days for a good song spread (format & image: Thomas Giger)
Ensure your music familiarity
To schedule weaker songs in between stronger tracks, a secondary current (or a new song; close to a secondary current in terms of age) is mostly followed by a power recurrent (or a stay current). The only ‘weak spot’ in this format might be that, maximum twice an hour, a secondary current is followed by a secondary recurrent. But that secondary current is always on the way up! A great new song (which is already a bit familiar) always sounds fresh and exciting, so listeners may be more likely to accept the (bit older-sounding) secondary recurrent, also because that is always followed by a power current. A secondary current on its way down is followed by a strong song in the form of a power recurrent. (Playing a secondary current on its way down and a recurrent back-to-back is not perfect, but should be no problem if the most often-played currents are rested for a few weeks before they’re moved to recurrents.)
Maintain your age balance
That we’ve chosen to separate secondary currents between those on their way up vs. down has other benefits as well. It allows us to keep secondary currents that are on their way up away from new currents (as both are new songs, even if there’s a difference in familiarity that justifies separate categories). Furthermore we can ensure that every hour includes a certain amount of say rising vs. falling stars in our contemporary hit repertoire. Otherwise, every hour could be sounding different; one hour might be full of relatively new songs, another of relatively old ones. This format makes sure that secondary currents on their way up vs. down are balanced with both categories alternately appearing twice an hour. (Same thing goes for power vs. secondary recurrents.)
Fill your categories strategically
This format clock is designed to hold 6 or more songs in Power Current. 6 Songs for 5 slots would allow each song to travel through every other category slot before landing on the same spot within the hourly structure again, but they would cause an exact repetition of this song placement day after day, as 6 hours fit 4 times into 24 hours. The same principle applies to 8 songs for 5 slots, because 8 hours can also be multiplied to 24 hours. Therefore, 7 songs are the best option, because then it takes 7 hours before all Power Currents fall into the same slots. That creates an uneven rotation pattern, cycling through several different dayparts & days before repeating.
‘Integrate with your main music formats’

Not hindered by a completely different morning show clock, your music scheduling software has a better chance of creating nice rotation patterns for your songs (format & image: Thomas Giger)
Format your morning show
Your breakfast show is obviously one of your key time slots, therefore they deserve to have their own set of clocks. You probably have much more spoken content (as well as longer commercial breaks) during those hours, and you may want to play only strong songs during morning show hours. We’ve created an alternate version of each of the 6 main format clocks, allowing you to showcase only familiar & popular songs in morning drive, based on the following:
Categories for newer hit songs:
- Current Secondary Up (included for freshness)
- Current Power
- Current Secondary Down
Categories for older hit songs:
- Current Stay
- Recurrent Power
Follow your main structure
These morning show clocks fit the overall station format with contemporary vs. recent hit songs in their 2:1 ratio, and once again a recognisable rhythm & flow of ‘now; now; then, now; now; then’. The difference is that all categories within the morning show format clock are either a best-testing track — power current, power recurrent or stay current — or a secondary song that is at least familiar to some degree. These morning hot clocks include 2 secondary currents on their way up, which are still gaining familiarity but are great for freshness, and 1 secondary current on its way down, which is usually a very familiar one (as it’s either a former power current or a former secondary current that was on its way up).
Rotate your format clocks
Apart from rotating your songs, you want to rotate your clocks, which helps you create a consistent flow throughout several days and weeks. You’ll notice that morning show Clock AM (‘M’ for Morning’) is based on main Clock A; Clock BM on Clock B, and so forth. It will integrate your breakfast music format with your main music format. Listeners should feel an ongoing music flow from early mornings all the way through morning drive and office hours. And not hindered by a completely different morning show clock, your music scheduling software has a better chance of creating nice song rotation patterns over the course of multiple days. Here’s a representation of Clock AM:

This morning show format clock is based on the main station format clock, but adjusted to a greater amount of speech and a higher load of commercials (format & image: Thomas Giger)
… and here you can see (a part of) the clock grid that unites all 12 music formats in one flow:

It will take 6 weeks until the same clocks appear in the same hours (format & image: Thomas Giger)
Double-check your song rotations
Using significantly different format clocks (like for your morning show) does affect the natural song rotations that you would get when you always have a consistent category exposure in every hour, meaning: when you always play 5 Power Currents, 4 Secondary Currents, etc. If your morning show clocks are different from your normal clocks, like in the above example, then carefully analyse rotations for every category, especially your smaller categories (for which rotations are most crucial). Or just include those 5 Power Currents, 4 Secondary Currents, etc. in your morning show clocks as well, and just schedule them (whether you play them all or not). It will keep your rotations intact.
- CHR Music Format Clocks for Apple Numbers (.numbers)
- CHR Music Format Clocks for Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Header image: Thomas Giger
Good morning, what are the ages of the songs for the following categories:
1. Current New
2. Current Secondary Up
3. Current Power
4. Current Secondary Down
Great resource (as always) – mind if I throw a question in the mix?
My PD wants a chart show embedded in our weeknight show. This would be be full of current hits, which would likely be scheduled in the hour before and the hour after the chart.
How would you avoid the inevitable time separation (of our beloved listeners voting a song to number 10 on the chart, which we happened to have played about 10 minutes ago in the previous hour)?
Thanks again for what you do!
Hello Thomas,
I read the whole article 12 CHR MUSIC FORMAT CLOCKS YOU CAN ADJUST & APPLY TODAY, and I have some concerns that go around in my head.
1 How many songs are included for each category? (Current Power, Current Secondary Up, Current Secondary Down, Current New, Current Stay, Recurrent Power, Recurrent Secondary).
2 According to your table Top 40 CHR, the categories are distributed through 6 clocks that are rotated every 6 hours, being 4 blocks per day, I wonder, why do you include 5 Current Power per hour?
3 In my station, we do not have a morning show; only two hours news from Monday to Friday, from 7 to 9 in the morning; what should I do with the clocks in those hours?
4 On weekends, the music will always be the same?
That would be all for now; I am also putting together a new radio and I would like you to give me a hand.
The music that will be played, is 80s, 90s and 2000s, Rock and Pop.
Hi! Thanks for good advices!
A question:
How do you solve the problem when you have, for example, Katy Perry’s Swish Swish in Current Power, and Chained To The Rhythm in Secondary Down?
As I understand, from time to time there will be conflicts between songs regarding Artist Separation. There are many ways to avoid it; just interesting how you see it in case of CHR station and clocks you recommend! Thanks!
Hi, Nikko!
I just noticed that I have yet to answer your question!
A good way is always to follow your format flow, scheduling the next song category in line of your steady category sequence – unless that would affect the rotation pattern of your power songs.
Based on the format clock (underneath the header CREATE AN UNEVEN ROTATION PATTERN), the category to be scheduled before the top-of-hour stopset – if the final song (Recurrent Secondary) would not be sufficient to fill up the entire hour – would officially be a Current Power. However, that would interfere with the desired rotation pattern for these power currents.
In this case, a better option could be using a similar feeling category with a less critical exposure. Stay Current could be an option, if you are sure that you’ll actually play this song (because it might be too valuable to waste).
The alternative could be a Current Secondary Down or a Current Secondary Up. Those categories contain more songs than your power & stay current categories, and are therefore less sensitive in terms of their rotation pattern / repetition velocity.
I hope this answer is helpful for you… better late than never, right? :-)
Best wishes for the new year, here’s to even more success in 2018!
Hi there, Thomas! Thank you for your great work and amazing clocks!
One question for you. If you need 16 songs per hour, which category would you add as a 16th song? Another Current Stay, for example?
Thank you
Hi friends,
I have to admit something! Even though what I wrote in the original article basically works:
This format clock is designed to hold 6 or more songs in Power Current. 6 Songs for 5 slots would allow each song to travel through every other category slot before landing on the same spot within the hourly structure again, but they would cause an exact repetition of this song placement day after day, as 6 hours fit 4 times into 24 hours. The same principle applies to 8 songs for 5 slots, because 8 hours can also be multiplied to 24 hours. Therefore, 7 songs are the best option, because then it takes 7 hours before all Power Currents fall into the same slots. That creates an uneven rotation pattern, cycling through several different dayparts & days before repeating.
… I forgot to add that this pattern could cause the same rotation pattern to repeat week after week. The reason is that there are (obviously) 7 days in a week, and 7 songs combined with 5 slots for those songs an hour will cause a song that played at say 9:05 on Monday to again play at 9:05 the next Monday!
That is, if on that second Monday, you’ve scheduled the exact same format clock in your clock grid as you did on the first Monday, and if on that second Monday, you’re having the exact same songs in your Power Current category as you did on the first Monday.
Chances are you do vary your clock grid and/or do refresh your power categories (and/or let your music scheduling software automatically ‘kick’ one Power Current on Sunday-to-Monday night at midnight), thus shuffling to your most-exposed songs even more, in which case you’re home free :-).
In addition, you want to use smart format clock rotations that do not repeat every week (or not even every few weeks) by using an uneven number of format clocks that cannot be multiplied to 24 (hours in a day) and that are not a multiplication of 7 (days a week). A rotation of 5 format clocks can work well.
Hi Tom,
Thank you for your additional questions, and we’ve just published a post that might give you a good perspective on EXACTLY these topics!
It’s an interesting case about a station that positions itself in between two (Hot AC and CHR) competitors with an Adult Top 40 format:
Music Scheduling Q&A #1 – How To Build Your Song Categories?
Enjoy reading!
How would you program an Adult CHR? What would be different from an Adult CHR to a Hot AC, or an Adult CHR to a Mainstream CHR?
Hi La,
Thank you for your comment :-)
We love radio, too – and yes, and we will!
Hi again, Tom!
I now see the second reply came from you as well, and I’m happy answer to your questions:
A good question, as there’s indeed a thin line between them. In this case, one difference is their age. Quoting from the article above:
– Current Stay: a current hit that is very familiar & popular, but a bit older (up to 12 months)
– Recurrent Power: a recent hit that is very familiar & popular, but a bit older (12-36 months)
– Recurrent Secondary: a recent hit that is pretty familiar & popular, but a bit older (12-36 months)
Another difference is that there are many more songs in Recurrent Power (and Recurrent Secondary) than there are in Current Stay. I see Stay Currents as ‘young Power Recurrents’ that (even though they’re up to 1 year old) still test great, and don’t have to be rested before they move to (Power/Secondary) Recurrent.
Your CHR station can consistently sound fresh by mainly exposing the newest music (filling 2/3rds of your clocks with Current Power plus Current Secondary Up/Down or Current New), while still including Current Stay hits (in a lower rotation by letting them appear in your clocks just once an hour), like in our example.
Power/Secondary Recurrents are older than Stay Currents, and therefore have an even lower turnover (they appear in our clocks four times an hour, but include many songs). Some of these Recurrents have been put to rest after they’ve left the Current categories, so they now clearly have a different status.
That would, indeed, be an exception to the rule! When you’re a pure CHR station, most of your high-rotating songs might be burned before that time, you’re right :-). The maximum age of 36 months is an arbitrary border, ‘protecting’ the format from too much crossover with Adult CHR and Hot AC stations.
Having said that, you can also platoon your (Power) Recurrents; taking them out of rotation (or moving them to Secondary Recurrents) when people are getting tired of them. Feel free to re-test them after a while to see if you can bring them back (if they still fit your criteria, e.g. being younger than 3 years).
Thank you for your questions!
Hi Tom!
Thank you for your good question:
Actually, several readers have emailed me with a similar inquiry.
Seems like a relevant topic for our community here @ Radio))) ILOVEIT, therefore we’ll cover this in great detail in a dedicated post about song categories and the number of songs per category.
It’s going online soon!
Very interesting, and I love it to the max. Keep it up.
And what would be the difference between a power recurrent and a stay current? I highly doubt a CHR would include a 3 year old song in their power recurrent category by the way.
How many songs exist per each category, on average?