As radio audiences listen in fragments, we as programmers rethink our strategy. Does your format clock pass the 10-minute test?

PPM research shows that across all radio formats & markets in the US, the average listening occasion is 9-10 minutes. This indicates that the often-used 20-minute rule for music scheduling is up for a redefinition. You therefore might want to reflect your entire music format during every 10 minutes; not 20. Here are some ideas to get you started.

This article will give you ideas & insights on:

  • how to be recognisable despite many categories
  • how to help your audience understand your station 
  • how to set up your categories for better music flow
  • how to sound fresher than your format competitors
  • how to expose your listeners to stronger music
  • how to optimise your format clocks
  • and much more (around 1,600 words)


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